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Clunes Booktown Festival

Clunes Booktown Festival

Come along and visit our amazing authors at the Clunes Booktown Festival this month and gain a signed copy, a great experience and be a part of an amazing community of passionate talents...

See the program for a list of events involving our amazing authors!

Event Details

70 Service St, Clunes VIC 3370, Australia


Bookings Required

This event is a Ticketed Event

9:00 AM

Meet the Author at Clunes - Will Spokes

Meet Will Spokes, author of 'Death on the Ferry Hygeia' and 'Lusine's Blessing'.

Guest:Will Spokes

9:00 AM

Meet the Author at Clunes - Kelly Wilson

Meet Kelly Wilson, author of 'Breathe Grace', 'The Shadows in My Mind' and 'Lady Lulu'.

Guest:Kelly Wilson

9:00 AM

Meet the Author at Clunes - Rita. H. Rowe

Meet Rita H. Rowe, author of 'Never the Moon'

Guest:Rita H. Rowe

9:00 AM

Meet the Author at Clunes - Maria Prestinenzi

Meet Maria Prestinenzi, author of 'Crucial Choices'

Guest:Maria Prestinenzi

9:00 AM

Meet the Author at Clunes - Robert M. Smith

Meet Robert M. Smith, author of 'Purgatory'

Guest:Robert M. Smith

9:00 AM

Meet the Author at Clunes - Elyse Hunt

Meet Elyse Hunt, author of 'Astrid's Big Day'

Guest:Elyse Hunt

9:00 AM

Meet the Author at Clunes - Judith Rook

Meet Judith Rook, author of 'Ravens Hollow'

Guest:Judith Rook

9:00 AM

Meet the Author at Clunes - Gillian Wells

Meet Gillian Wells, author of 'Lost', 'Alone', 'Inheritance', 'Consequences', and 'The Amazing Adventures of Bub and Tub' Vol 1 and Vol 2

Guest:Gillian Wells

9:00 AM

Meet the Author at Clunes - Sarah Cole

Meet Sarah Cole, author of 'Virozone'

Guest:Sarah Cole

9:00 AM

Meet the Author at Clunes - Fern Schreuder

Meet Fern Schreuder, author of 'The General's Log: Tales from the Lockdown' and 'The General's Log: Second Tour of Duty'

Guest:Fern Schreuder

9:00 AM

Meet the Author at Clunes - Theo Kokkalis and Afroditi Kollias

Meet Theo Kokkalis and Afroditi Kollias, author of 'The Hottest Town'

Guest:Theo Kokkalis and Afroditi Kollias

9:00 AM

Meet the Author at Clunes - Deborah Goldie

Meet Deborah Goldie, author of 'Test of Wills'

Guest:Deborah Goldie

9:00 AM

Meet the Author at Clunes - Andrea Kate McKenzie

Meet Andrea Kate McKenzie, author of 'Feelings are Just Feelings'

Guest:Andrea Kate McKenzie

9:00 AM

Meet the Author at Clunes - Brett Vevers

Meet Brett Vevers, author of 'Anachronism'

Guest:Brett Vevers

9:00 AM

Clunes Discussion Panel - Julie Kay

Meet Julie Kay, author of 'The Ties That Bind'

Guest:Julie Kay

9:00 AM

Clunes Discussion Panel - Adrian Weeks

Meet Adrian Weeks, author of 'In the Shadow of Peace'

Guest:Adrian Weeks

9:00 AM

Clunes Discussion Panel - S B Postlewhite

Meet S B Postlewhite, author of 'The Dumnonian Compass'

Guest:S B Postlewhite

9:00 AM

Clunes Kids Village & Meet the Author - Caz Carter

Meet Caz Carter, author of 'The Adventures of Fish Fingers'

Guest:Caz Carter

9:00 AM

Clunes Kids Village & Meet the Author - Dave O'Neill

Meet Dave O'Neill, author of 'The Seagull Who Soared'

Guest:Dave O'Neill

11:30 AM

Clunes Discussion Panel - Anthony Kearle

Meet Anthony Kearle, author of 'Blood of the Eagle'

Guest:Anthony Kearle

1:00 PM

Clunes Discussion Panel - M. K. Jacobs

Meet M. K. Jacobs, author of 'In the Shade of the Mountain'

Guest:M. K. Jacobs

M. K. Jacobs
M. K. Jacobs
M. K. Jacobs grew up in the suburbs of Adelaide in South Australia. Considered an accomplished classical pianist, genealogist, explorer and fanatic cat lover, M K currently lives in country Victoria, sharing the property with two alpacas and a family of cats, including 'those' two talkative Bengals. A former Flight Attendant who has walked across Provence, flown into LAX too many times to count, and spends holidays in Northern France looking over people's fences to admire their gardens, together with teaching classes on Strolling around Paris and Exploring family history. In the last ten years, MK's first series of novels centred on historical military fiction, taken from family history. Her writing has expanded to include Historical Romance stories focusing on her mother's World War II experiences and The Claire Lane Mystery Series, a 1920's 'not too serious crime series.' M.K. is currently studying for an MSC in Paleography, Heraldry and Genealogy at Glasgow University and a Certificate in Advocacy. This year she completed the PLCGS (Professional Learning Certificate in Genealogical Studies)- National Institute for Genealogical Studies.

Anthony Kearle
Anthony Kearle
Anthony is an Australian author who discovered his passion for writing while studying graphic design at Federation University. Being passionate about history and grounded fantastical worlds; creating a map in class started him down the rabbit hole that is world-building. A story soon followed. While working full time and doing some freelance design work on the side, he decided to pursue his writing career. When not working and writing, Anthony enjoys hiking and investing time in both sports and esports alike.

Will Spokes
Will Spokes
Will lives on the Mornington Peninsula with his wife who tolerates his sense of humour and encourages his writing. Will has been boating, sailing, fishing and flying most of his life. He has served for many years as Principal Race Officer at several yacht clubs.  His working life was spent in a major financial institution and more recently marketing advertising and promotions for a number of Melbourne’s leading radio stations.  Will's books are notable for being well researched with a mix of drama and surprising twists seasoned with his characteristic sardonic humour. Will enjoys reading a wide spectrum of authors. Books with an historic or factual theme are favoured. 

Kelly Wilson
Kelly Wilson
Kelly Wilson has been passionate about working with people and making a positive difference her whole life. As a primary school educator for 22 years, her role varied from class room teacher, mentor, teacher educator and literacy specialist. Her public speaking roles within the community and filming have been very successful.  Kelly now proudly operates her educational consultant business, Wings for Grace.  She is a passionate writer and author.  Kelly lives with her family and much loved animals in their small semi rural community. She loves adventure and exploring from the bush to the beach. In awe of the world and it’s wonders, she is forever curious and in search of the magic nature provides.

Rita H. Rowe
Rita H. Rowe
A Melbourne girl, Rita has a passion for words, encouraged by a mother who spent most of her spare time with her head buried in a book. Of course Rita was going to become dazzled by the words of Enid Blyton, Louisa May Alcott and later, the likes of the Bronte sisters, Dickens and even Sidney Sheldon. Rita found her passion in teaching what she loved, English and Art, and after completing her Masters in Writing, decided it was her time to begin creating. When she put pen to paper, she couldn’t stop and her first novel, Never The Moon was born. Since then, she has written three more novels, and is completing her fifth.

Maria Prestinenzi
Maria Prestinenzi
Maria Prestinenzi was born in a small town in Italy. She migrated to Australia as a young teenager with her family and settled in Melbourne where she still lives surrounded by her immediate and extended family. She’s passionate about the environment. She loves to go on long walks, commune with nature and do her daily Zumba class. She loves learning about different cultures and traditions and discovering new places. She has lived a colourful life, travelled extensively and met some amazing people.

Robert M. Smith
Robert M. Smith
Raised on a farm in country Victoria, Robert Smith resides in Ballarat Victoria, with time to devote to his passion of writing. He has dabbled in commercial writing since the early 1990’s, mainly as a playwright for one act plays and penning librettos for musical theatre. His work has been performed in all states of Australia as well as in New Zealand and the United Kingdom winning many awards at various drama festivals.  This is his first novel with others ready for print.

Elyse Hunt
Elyse Hunt
Elyse grew up and attended university on the outskirts of Melbourne. In January 2020, she married her husband, Ben, and they have since spent a lot of time together due to COVID lockdowns. Elyse has always had a strong affinity for the outdoors and a love of animals, in particular her dogs, who follow her wherever she goes. This is her first children's book.

Judith Rook
Judith Rook
Judith’s main passion through her life has been painting, exhibiting in Victoria through the 1970s, then through to the 2000s in Queensland. The solo exhibition “Wisdom in a Wicker Basket” based around the strengths of woman came with the idea to accompany each painting with a meaningful poem, thus inspiring her interest in writing. An idea for a story emerged but the many scribbles, words and sentences that were written over the years stayed hidden. Now, living in Ballarat, confidence came when Judith joined her U3A writing group. Listening and learning from other writers and the encouragement that came from likeminded people allowed the story to be finished. The development of Ravens Hollow was a journey to live with the characters and walk in their footsteps. Judith's hope is that they will come alive and speak to others. Judith has dedicated her first novel to her father who was an avid reader and writer that never achieved publication.

Gillian Wells
Gillian Wells
Gillian is an English woman living in rural Australia with her cattle dog Jess. She loves writing and also enjoys gardening, cooking, horse-riding and singing amongst other interests. She has travelled widely in Australia and enjoys meeting people and hearing their stories. She has three children and four grandchildren living in England, France and Australia. She loves to spend time with them when ever possible.

Sarah Cole
Sarah Cole is a Secondary English teacher and this is her first novel.

Fern Schreuder
Fern Schreuder
Fern lives on the Mornington Peninsula with her husband, children and Labrador, Jobe. Fern Schreuder is a Secondary School teacher and a mother to two small boys. She holds a Bachelor of Teaching and a Bachelor of Applied Science, specializing in Human Movement. The General's Log is her first book.

Theo Kokkalis and Afroditi Kollias
Theo Kokkalis and Afroditi Kollias
Husband and wife duo, Theo and Afroditi have been primary school educators for many years both in Australia and overseas.  They live in Melbourne with their three young children where they get plenty of inspiration for their writing.  As a family, they enjoy reading lots of books, drawing, visiting museums and exploring nature. They always wanted to write their own stories as they want to inspire children to love reading and to become confident little scribes.

Deborah Goldie
Deborah Goldie is a writer who has worked with children for over twenty years. She is a passionate advocate for teaching children important events and time in history. Creating fictional stories with characters in which the reader forms an emotional bond is the perfect platform. Test of Wills is her first published novel. In 2015 Deborah completed her Certificate 1V in Professional Writing Editing and in 2018 she completed her Diploma of Professional Writing and Editing at Federation University, Ballarat.  Apart from writing, Deborah enjoys spending time with her family, bike riding and travelling.

Andrea Kate McKenzie
Andrea Kate McKenzie
Andrea is from a small country town in Victoria. She is a loving wife and a mother to three beautiful children. As an Early Childhood Educator since 2006, Andrea has a passion for instilling love, kindness and resilience in all children. She enjoys playing defense in social netball and camping. Andrea loves to laugh, dance, take photos and spend time with her friends and large close-knit extended family. She finds great peace and happiness watching the clouds and sunset skies! This is her first published book.

Brett Vevers
Brett Vevers
Brett is a High School teacher who has worked with teenagers with differing abilities and issues.  He lives in country Victoria with his kids and his trusty dog, teaching at the local school. Brett has worked in a metal factory, IT, restaurants and built his own strawbale house.  A big sci-fi and fantasy fan, his first novel 'Anachronism' stemmed from an idea that he had when he was in high school, then completed to show his kids that ‘reading isn’t that bad’.

Julie Kay
Julie Kay
Julie Kay grew up in the beautiful Melbourne bayside suburb of Chelsea. After completing her schooling she became a dental nurse. As a young adult Julie travelled the world, living and working in London, Israel and Greece. At the end of her overseas travels she went to live in Alice Springs where she got a job working for the Royal Flying Doctors Service going out to the Aboriginal communities as a dental nurse. In her late twenties Julie came home to Melbourne where she worked as a school dental nurse during the day and studied at night. In 1992 she graduated with a Bachelor of Arts majoring in English Literature and Sociology. At this time she married Jon and had two children. Her next career move was to become an integration aid in a school. Encouraged by her work colleagues she went back to university and got her Diploma of Education which enabled her to become a primary school teacher. Julie loves her vocation as an educator and manages to work full time, running a busy household and writing on the weekends. In 2019 Julie wrote her first novel Not My Father which was loosely based on the life of her father during the Occupation of Japan. The Ties That Bind is her second novel with many more to come.

Adrian Weeks
Adrian Weeks
Adrian’s interest in fantasy books began at a young age; In the Shadow of Peace is Adrian’s first published novel; the expansion of a story first conceived in his teenage years. He continues to balance writing and pharmacy while living by the coast of Victoria, with his wife and two children.

S B Postlewhite
S B Postlewhite
Born in Australia, Sharon moved to the UK at the age of six, where she was based until moving with her family back to Australia in 2008. Forging a love of fantasy literature and history from an early age, these elements have greatly influenced her own writing. Archaeology has been a major part of Sharon's life and her love of ancient culture and mythology can be felt in her story telling. Sharon adores her 'island life' that she now shares with her husband Andy and dog Rollo.

Caz Carter
Caz Carter
I discovered a passion for children’s books while reading to my son from a very young age. Although, I quickly found out through my own experience of buying and borrowing books that the market for young boys in the 7-10yo age group was not always well catered for. This gave me the inspiration to start writing and illustrating. A few years ago, I started writing a series of comic books for my son and his friends in grades three to five. The feedback I received from the students, teachers and parents was overwhelming, with my son’s friends constantly asking for the next installment. This gave me the confidence to pursue writing and illustrating children’s books on a professional basis. I hope children and adults alike will enjoy my works and gain a chuckle at our Aussie humour.

Dave O'Neill
Dave O'Neill
Dave O'Neill has been writing rhymes since he was fifteen and managed to turn his passion into a career in journalism, media and communications. After more than ten years living in Melbourne working in the footy industry, Dave has returned to his roots in Ballarat. With two gorgeous kids under three, Dave is now chasing his dreams of writing books and hoping to inspire them to always shoot for the stars.

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